IMPACT FUND dedicated to water
In the context of the fight against climate change, the Cycle H20 Fund invests in innovative companies that rethink the water consumption applications: the agricultural and industrial sectors.
Cycle Capital believes in the potential of innovation in the water sector to create sustainable prosperity for citizens, the environment, and the economy.
That’s why we created the Cycle H2O Fund: to create a strong pipeline of companies committed to the conservation and protection of our most precious collective resource, water.
There are many reasons why it is important to invest in innovative startups to address:
- Water consumption in the industrial and agricultural sectors (ESG, Operations, Irrigation, Regulation, etc.)
- The consequences of water use on climate change
- Underinvestment and deficits in water infrastructure in recent years;
- The lack of venture capital to finance visionary companies that propose avant-garde solutions to water-related challenges
The Cycle H2O Fund collaborates with leading companies, helping to drive innovation in cleantech and water technology.
We have signed agreements with Cycle Momentum, a startup accelerator and innovation engine dedicated to clean technologies, and AcquaHacking, Canada’s largest water innovation platform.

Our approach
As a leader in “blue gold” investment, the BleuImpact Fund finances the emergence and acceleration of innovative companies and multiplies solutions to protect and conserve water resources.
Our approach consists of investing in equity and quasi-equity in companies that target the sectors that consume the most water, i.e. agriculture and industry.
"There is no substitute for water, no matter what the cost. The only sustainable option is innovation.”

Our impact strategy
The increasing volatility of water quantity and quality poses a growing risk to the planet and humanity. With the CycleH2O Fund, we want to address these challenges while creating environmental, social, and financial value. We firmly believe that financial and ESG returns are compatible.
The CycleH2O Fund subscribes to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) and has set specific environmental, social, and governance (ESG) objectives:
- Focus on innovation and solutions in the water sector
- Measuring environmental performance of our portfolio companies.
- Active contribution to the development of an ecosystem of companies committed to the blue economy
- Parity, diversity, and inclusion objectives in the governance plan
- Diversity monitoring in portfolio companies
- Inclusion of people living with disabilities, beyond the objectives of the Missing Billion movement, which aims for greater access for all. vise un meilleur accès pour tous.
- Unique approach to maximise intellectual property
- Good corporate management practices.
Vital to a true environmental shift, the blue economy is still in its infancy. Opportunities abound for bold entrepreneurs and companies looking to create real change. As the market leader in water-related impact investments, the CycleH2O Fund is a catalyst that accelerates innovation.
Targeted sectors, projects, and technologies
To generate maximum impact, the Fund primarily targets the largest water users, namely the industrial and agricultural sectors. Collectively, their global consumption of freshwater is estimated at over 80% of available resources. We believe we can make a real difference by acting on impact startups in these major sectors.
Examples of solutions and technologies by industry

Precision irrigation (More Crop per Drop): for example, optimizing the use of rainfall and modernizing irrigation technologies
Smart sensors: connecting crops and fields to maximize production

Digital water management: using real-time data to optimize water consumption
Zero liquid discharge: recycle and reuse wastewater to reduce new water consumption.
Contact us
1000, Sherbrooke West Street suite 1610
Montreal (Quebec) H3A 3GA